Rule 1: Do not go for bariatric surgeries if your BMI is less than 30 or your weight increase is less than 30 kilos. Because you don't need it. And if you do it, you will experience a sharp weight loss. Hence your weight will be less than normal which means a severe harm to your body.
Rule 2: Do not go for bariatric surgeries if you did not try diet and sports. As your body can respond easily to one of them and therefore achieve your dream of reaching your ideal weight.
Rule 3: Tell your doctor about your eating habits and your lifestyle as well, so he can decide which surgery is the best for you either gastric sleeves, gastric bypass, Sasi or other safe-weight solutions.
Rule 4: Do not give your ears to disappointing people, if you decide the right surgeon and the type of operation. Because you are the most one who will benefit from these bariatric surgeries.
Rule 5: Keep yourself with people who encourage you to carry out the operation and stay away from disappointing ones. You can communicate with the people who preceded you in the process and gained their results and benefit from their experiences and encouragement.
Rule 6: The bariatric surgery is half the journey. Good follow-up after the procedure and commitment to the instructions of the Doctor is the true success.
Rule 7: Do not be afraid and forget your life before the surgery because you will notice dramatic changes in the way you eat, your lifestyle, your health and activity and also your psychology.
Rule 8: You can avoid sagging after bariatric surgeries by following 3 ways: sports, healthy eating and drinking sufficient water.
Rule 9: Stop eating directly when you feel full after bariatric surgeries. Because eating in large quantities above the stomach capacity and size can cause it to stretch and return in weight again.
Rule 10: Do not go for a bariatric surgery and you are not sure about your surgeon because these surgeries require high skill and years of experience to get the results that you are waiting for.
Rule 11: Follow the written diet after the surgery, especially in the first weeks after the surgery.
Rule 12: Follow up with the nutritionist after the surgery to maintain its results.
Rule 13: Drinking water is a must after bariatric surgeries because it is very important to maintain the freshness of the skin and prevent hair loss, avoid constipation and prevent dizziness.
Rule 14: Dietary supplement is very important after the process to compensate for protein deficiency and nutrients.
Rule 15: Nothing is called open bariatric surgeries. It is done by laparoscopy which therefore gives it many advantages, the most important is the lack of pain.
Rule 16: You must hear the testimonials of the patients who did the operation with the Doctor that you chose. Because this will make a difference in your decision.
Rule 17: There is no pain after the operation. Because we use a PCA device to relieve pain.
Rule 18: Do not buy new clothes just after the bariatric surgery, as you will experience continuous weight loss till you reach your ideal weight.
Rule 19: You do not need to travel abroad to carry bariatric surgery. because it has become very advanced in Egypt.
Rule 20: Forget your old habits before the operation because you will have a healthy new life.